I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you weren’t ready for it. And you’re still not ready!

1 Corinthians 3:2 (ISV)

The idolatry of consumerism breeds Churchianity.

For the most part, Churchianity produces self-centred Christians who believe the church exists to serve them. There is no call to discipleship or holiness. Rather, many who follow it perceive the gospel as a means of escaping hell or enjoying an easy life. In other words, Churchianity produces worshippers of themselves rather than true sons and daughters of God.

Once the idolatry of consumerism infects our approach to the Christian life, churches will become consumerist enterprises that exist to satisfy their members rather than lead them to glorify God. When this happens, worshipping a church becomes more important than worshipping Christ. This will consequently damage our public witness and expression, both individually and collectively. And we can see it happening now.

We must defeat this false spirit of religion with prayers, sound conviction and strong faith. This is because Churchianity is disguised legalism. Consumerist Christians are picky in searching for the “perfect’ church. They often judge and evaluate the worthiness of church communities based on their performances and program offerings, but they will not participate in making disciples a reality. They are easily bored and would rather be entertained than be a part of transforming the world. In other words, they want a church that serves as a perpetual childcare centre to babysit them rather than a training hub that equips and sends them forth to proclaim the gospel.

The Apostle Paul chastises the Corinthians because they were still drinking spiritual “milk” rather than eating spiritual “meat”. They have no appetite for the deep things of God. They simply want enough God to make them feel comfortable, but not enough God to push them out of their own comfort zones to reach the world for Christ. If following Jesus does not radically transform your perspective of your life in Him, go back to the gospel and obey it. You will then receive both grace and power to express your God-given sonship and true identity in Christ.