Worship the Lord and serve Him with reverence [with awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder]; rejoice [yet do so] with trembling.

Psalm 2:11 (Amplified)

Worshipping God should be a daily part of our lives.

We, however, don’t worship out of obligation but out of love for God. David exhorts us to worship God and serve Him with reverence. The Hebrew word for reverence is yirah which means “a deep sense of fear”. In the context of Psalm 2, fear does not refer to feeling dread, or even apprehension, but rather to giving glory and honour to God for who He is and what He has done for us.

We worship because God is most worthy of praise (Psalm 48:1). Worthy means “to give weight or value to someone or something”. It is often when returning a compliment or recognising a good deed. When we are worshipping God, we are acknowledging and appreciating God as the source of all good things in our lives.

What is your attitude when it comes to worshipping God? 

Worship is a posture of the heart, not a performance. While our worship is not restricted by rules of rituals, days and places, we must not treat worship too lightly or too casually. David calls us to give ourselves wholeheartedly to worship and serve God. If you get the opportunity to meditate on all of David's psalms, you will learn that he did not simply worship God every day, but all day.

Worship may be difficult for some of us because we have too many distractions. When we give God His rightful place in our hearts and minds, He will give us the wisdom and revelation we need to know and love Him more fully and deeply.

Let us follow the example of Jesus by setting aside a regular time for worship.

We learned in the four gospels that Jesus prayed early in the morning and late at night. He also worshipped in the synagogue weekly "as was His custom" (Luke 4:16) and visited the Temple annually. Make every effort (through the help of the Holy Spirit) to draw near to God with a true heart and a right spirit. When worship becomes a way of life rather than just a weekend event, we become the kind of worshippers God desires.