He sent a man before them—Joseph—who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters, He was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.

Psalm 105:17-19 (NKJV)


Most of us have heard the story of Joseph, a boy who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers but climbed to a position of prestige, power, and prominence. Joseph had known his destiny from God since he was a child, but God's Word "tested" Joseph until he was ready to fulfill it.

Tsaraph is the Hebrew word meaning "tested," and it implies "to purify, test, and prove true" (Strong's H6884). It is used to describe a refining process of working and honing on a masterpiece until it is perfect and ready for use.

Joseph was always “the beloved son” whether he was in Jacob’s tent, Potiphar’s house, Egyptian prison or the Pharaoh’s palace. His identity in God’s eyes never changed even though the circumstances around him kept changing. Yet, God’s hands were on Joseph, working and reworking on him until he developed the required character and strength to carry his God-given destiny. This process is critical because God must first work on us before He can work through us for His Word to be fulfilled in us.

Purging away the impurities is part of the refining process.

Impurities do not have to be the sinful areas of your life. They can be any distractions or personal pressure that can frustration or impede your call if not correctly resolved. Your present circumstance does not decide your God-given destiny. Things may appear hopeless or bleak, and you may be tempted to give up. Those things, however, do not dictate your purpose because your path in life is in the hands of God.

When God made us new creations in Christ, He began a refining process through His Spirit and Scripture for us to possess all things from Christ and make significant progress through Christ. It may appear that God is messing with us at times, but God is actively shaping us so that we can move forwards with His purpose in our hearts.