Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV)


Pearls are highly valuable, but some are even more valuable than others due to their beauty and rarity.

In the parable, Jesus tells us how the merchant sold everything to get the pearl because he realised the extraordinary worth of the pearl was immeasurably greater than anything he owed. The thought of selling all he owns may appear extreme, yet it makes perfect sense given what he gets in return. We are the pearl of great price, and Jesus sacrificed everything to make us His own. The one offering of Himself as a ransom accomplished so much for so many.

The Apostle Paul tells us that we were purchased at a high price and that we are to honour with everything we are and have (1 Corinthians 6:20). Although our redemption does not cost us anything, as it did for Jesus—but following Jesus is costly. When we identify strongly with the Lord, it can cost us our social status, our relationships, and even our lives in some cases. Yet what we gain in eternity is considerably far above what we lose in this brief earthly life.

We should envision a future world in which God's Kingdom becomes a tangible reality. Meanwhile, we learn to live life from the perspective of that future. We have already received a foretaste of the Kingdom because we are in Christ. In this sense, we are not trying to embrace something new, but rather to carry out what is already deep within us.

Instead of idly waiting for heaven to come to us, we work to reform and transform our present broken world. We become bearers of hope and carriers of justice and workers of righteousness in order for lives to be transformed and made whole. Only by being present with people in their struggles and pain can the church genuinely align itself with the priority and promise of the Kingdom.