I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us

Romans 8:18 (TPT)

God is love, and He will never do anything to us that goes against His nature and character.

When things are difficult and when it seems there is no end to your troubles, it is natural to question God and doubt His faithfulness. You may even wonder if God truly loves you—if He does, why doesn't He prevent horrible things from happening?

The Apostle Paul encourages us to willingly endure any suffering since it pales in comparison to what God has beautifully prepared for us in Christ. This can be difficult for many of us to accept, especially since we live in an entitlement culture and are accustomed to expecting instant gratification and receiving quick solutions to our problems.

God is greater than whatever life may throw at us.

Often, it is in the midst of adversity that we realise how much we truly trust God and believe His word. Our reactions to grief and suffering always reveal our true thought of God. We either grow and move forward with God, or we lose faith and give up.

Now the question is, why would God take such a huge risk if He knew we may turn bitter towards Him? Let's be clear, God does not send diseases or destruction to punish or teach us a lesson. But if we believe He did and intended to hurt us, we will fear Him and flee. But if we recognise that God is truly not the author of evil or responsible for it (1 John 1:5), we will boldly run to Him for help in our time of need.

God always uses our circumstances to shape us and give us greater faith in Him. When we put our bad days into God's hands, He can turn them into good days. God desires to shower us with gifts and good things out of the abundant goodness and riches of His love for us. In His infinite wisdom, He also gives them at the appropriate time. We would not have witnessed the majesty of Resurrection Sunday if it had not been for the tragedy of Good Friday.

If your faith is weak and you are having difficulty believing in God, pray for the grace of endurance to manifest through the powerful working of God's power inside you.