And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Matthew 24:14 (KJV)


What is the gospel of the Kingdom?

When Jesus speaks of the Kingdom, He refers to God's eternal and coming reign and rule, which will permeate every fabric of society and eventually transform the whole world. Yet while the message of the gospel of the Kingdom is revolutionary, it is not about reorganising political systems or social structures in order to create an earthly theocracy. This was the crowd's assumption as they followed Jesus. They hoped He would lead them in overthrowing oppressive political powers and transforming an unequal society into an egalitarian society.

The Kingdom is other-worldly.

The only way for anyone to enter and participate in this Kingdom is to believe in Jesus and live a life that demonstrated the reality of the gospel. As we learn to live as if the Kingdom has arrived, even if it hasn't, we will develop a Kingdom perspective of things. Then we will have a deep yearning for His kingdom to come, as well as a genuine desire for His redemptive will to be done on earth.

The gospel of the Kingdom is God's invitation card to everyone, telling them that they are welcomed to enjoy His love, hospitality and friendship in Christ, and they don't need to stand in line to get in. And once you are in, you are always in!

Remember that even though you are in this world, you are no longer a part of it. Start seeing everything through the lens of the Kingdom. As the Father's sons and daughters, we must have a clear awareness to live in the reality of His Kingdom and righteousness.