Grace is a beautiful and powerful truth. It is beautiful because God doesn’t require or expect you to change before He saves you. It is powerful because God will transform you to prove He has saved you.

Chesed is the Hebrew word for grace.

It is a word with a wide range of rich and significant meanings: favour, acceptance, goodwill, delight. It speaks of God's generous mercy to all, even those who are far from Him. It depicts God as our Loving Father, longing for our homecoming and warmly opening His arms to welcome us as and when we do.


But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us.

Ephesians 2:4 (ESV)


The gospel invites you to see yourself through the eyes of God.

If your life means nothing to you, it certainly means something to God. Even if you feel that you are someone without any intrinsic value, God always sees you as a person of infinite worth for whom He willingly gave His Son to pay for the penalty of your sin. There is no other way God can speak more favourably of you than by what He had done for you through Christ.

I'm surprised with believers who aren't enthusiastic about grace.

Many don't seem to get it.

They either don't understand what grace is or are unconcerned about its consequences for the Christian life. The gospel of grace has even been greeted with scorn and scepticism in some Christian groups. Those who fully grasp the beauty of the gospel, on the other hand, are always astounded by the power of God's grace.

What makes grace amazing?

Grace is the good news of God's gift of love to you, not because you can earn it or deserve it, but because He freely and willingly loves you without uncertainty or wavering.

Grace is the good news of God's gift of forgiveness for your sin and guilt (Acts 13:38; Ephesians 1:7).

Grace is the good news of God's gift of power working in and through you, despite your helplessness and weakness (Corinthians 12:7-9).

Grace is the good news of God's gift of freedom from the fear of being accused and condemned by Satan and your guilty conscience (John 3:20-21).

Grace is for the unworthy, not the worthy.

Grace humbles us since we cannot be saved apart from God's grace. Don’t let your human failings and sin burden you. Continue to rejoice in the fact that you have been saved by grace through faith. Grace is God’s act of salvation for you. Faith is the assurance that He has already and thoroughly done so (Hebrews 7:25).

The gospel is described by the Apostle Paul as "the good news of God's grace" (Acts 20:24). The theme of God’s grace goes throughout the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Only in the gospel can we find the complete expression of God’s grace in Jesus Christ:


For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.

Titus 2:11


Jesus is the personification of God's grace.

God has chosen to disclose to you everything He has ever wanted you to know about His grace through His Son. To put it another way, believing in Jesus is living in the reality of God's grace.