And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24:14, (NIV)


Sometimes the word church gets thrown around so much that we lose sight of its true meaning and purpose. Church isn’t a building for a weekend get-together or a place where we hang out with friends who share the same religious label as us. Furthermore, it is not an optional thing to do if we are too busy or life gets in the way. These misconceptions keep us from going forward with Christ’s purpose for the church.

The New Testament states the church is connected to the kingdom of God. The church is the visible body of Christ. As individuals and communities, we are sent into the world with a mission to reveal God’s Kingdom of light and love. However, when we look at the church through misconceptions, we are misrepresenting the kingdom while claiming to be representatives of the kingdom.

Jesus never tells us to fill the church. Rather He calls us to go and make disciples. While it is essential that we must gather regularly as believers, it is a means to an end, not the end in itself. The focus of church is always on going out, not staying in. When a church stops focusing on this Kingdom mandate, it loses sight of its most important purpose, which is to bring God's mercy and grace to a lost, hurting and broken world.

We know that we are on the threshold of a new experience of God’s kingdom presence and power in and through the church, let us remain true to the gospel until the last light of these last days.