To enjoy the Avodah life is to live an authentic and seamless life of worship, work, and service where you are partnering with God to become who you truly are in Christ. It is an authentic life that reflects God's grace in everything we do and say, a life in which you live to express yourself rather than to impress others.

Consider these words from the Apostle Paul:

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.

Colossians 3:23 (CSB)

The most damaging thing you can do to yourself is to allow other people's acceptance and approval to limit or prevent you from living the life God intended for you to live.

Avodah expresses the beauty of an integrated life and lifestyle of worship in which we carry God's presence with us wherever we go and live by God's power in everything we do. It happens when we see our work as a form of worship to God and our worship of God manifests into service to others. When we are worshipping God in whatever we do and in whatever circumstances we are in, everything we do and every time we do them becomes life-giving, worthwhile and beautiful. We will eventually become aware of life-draining responsibilities and relationships and will be able to separate ourselves from them.

The Avodah life is not only possible but also within grasp when you live your life through the lens of the gospel and in the light of God's grace. Many Christians may not consider working in their "secular" workplace to be serving God. Their response reflects a commonly accepted sacred-secular dichotomy. It will not only limit what God can do but also hinder our ability to partner with God and affect the world around us with our words and actions.

You can’t separate your faith from the workplace.

Our workplace should reflect our love, faith, and adoration for Jesus Christ, not just a place of hard work, deadlines, and hectic schedules. We must rediscover God's original design for us, and our willingness to respond freely in obedience and trust will change our place of work into a place of worship.