But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John...And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.”

Luke 1:13, 18

Can God still surprise you?

He certainly did with Zacharias and Elisabeth. This elderly couple had lived past their prime for childbearing and starting a family, but God still had one last surprise in store for them in the birth of their son, John.

Even though Zacharias had an awesome job of ministering to God, he somehow lost his amazed sense of awe for God. Likewise, we can become so familiar with God that we somehow settle into a place of little or no expectation of much happening. We merely go through the motion of life—without giving much thought to what God might be doing or saying to us right now. I don't believe that's what God wants of us. This is because God values our spiritual growth and well-being more than we think.

Today I am writing to those who are feeling jaded and weary. You have faithfully given and served or even prayed for a long time, but somehow you are still not seeing the desired result or enjoying the fruits of your labour. It can be painful especially if you have done everything possible to fix the situation, but nothing seems to change or work.

In the case of Zacharias, the angel of God stopped him from ever speaking again of his fear of disappointment, which Zacharias used to justify his doubt and unbelief (Luke 1:20). The next time Zacharias spoke, the Holy Spirit came on him and the words that left his mouth were prophetic words of life and destiny (Luke 1:64-79).

Both Zacharias and Elisabeth named their son, John, which means "God is gracious". It was an apt name with an incredible truth, that is, God's grace is not limited by our limitations or our doubts.

Let me encourage you not to stay in a place of frustration and defeat. But rather hold on to the dreams God has given you and fight off the fear and unbelief the Enemy is hurling at you. Keep believing that God can and will surprise you again with a fresh season of favour and fruitfulness that will overshadow those dark days of past failures and shame.

Only believe, with God all things are possible.