I know how to be abased and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:12-13 New King James Version


Are you afraid of failure or success?

The Bible is full of stories about people who let their fear of failure or success stop them from getting ahead in life. Think of Abraham, Moses, Esther, and John Mark and consider how their fears limited their capacity to trust God and follow where He leads.

The fear of failure or success stops us from believing in God for great things or attempting great things for God. The fear of failure keeps us stuck in a world of familiar disappointments and unfulfilled dreams and the fear of success keeps us from pursuing new paths and learning new things.

Basically, the two fears reveal our lack of knowing God’s perfect love towards us. That causes us to have a tight grip of control over our lives and circumstances. We would rather stay safe than sorry. We would rather stay comfortable than inconvenience ourselves. We rather stay selfish than be giving. In doing so, we don’t become richer, but poorer and not stronger but weaker and not better but worse off.

When was the last time that you dared to step out of your comfort zone and see for yourself what God can do for you?

We live in a consumerist world and have become so accustomed to a certain way of life that anything God wants to bring about in our midst is too much of a threat to our personal comfort and joy.

Let us learn from the example of the Apostle Paul.

In whatever circumstances, Paul always strengthened himself in Christ. By doing so, he went beyond doubt and uncertainty to venture forward fully confident that his life is in God’s hands.

Too often we think God wants us to be happy but actually, God wants us to be holy. Holiness brings a happiness that is found nowhere else but in God Himself. This is because what we have in Him is counterintuitive to what everyone wants to have.

Circumstances never change God’s purpose for you. Paul was in prison when he wrote to the Philippians. He accomplished more for the gospel from his cell than most people could ever accomplish in their entire life. Stay faithful and you will be fruitful.