If anyone wants to come with me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross every day, and follow me continuously.

Luke 9:23 (ISV)

Nothing undermines discipleship more than a diluted gospel that panders to our craving for comfort, luxury and happiness. Without a doubt, a gospel of consumerism is fast displacing the gospel of radical grace and holiness.

We cannot build a church on consumers.

This is because Christians who adopt a consumer-oriented approach to faith are always looking for something "better". Perhaps a better church, a better pulpit ministry or a better pastor, but they never consider being a better member. They will desert at a moment’s notice because they are more concerned with meeting their own needs than with listening to Jesus and doing what He says. If we continue to be consumers of churches rather than followers of Jesus, spiritual boredom will set in, leading to spiritual apathy.

After all, the infection of a “me-focused” Christianity makes them restless and dissatisfied with what they already have in Christ. They always want something more or something different, yet they never feel satisfied after having it. They are unaware that their attitude and behaviour may not be what Jesus had in mind when He called us to follow Him.

Only Jesus can make us true disciples.

We are meant to experience this inseparable oneness with Jesus, knowing that He is ours and we are His. But many of us have forgotten how to follow Him. What we need to do is to learn to walk in “the unforced rhythms” of His grace and let go of any attraction and attachment that keeps us from deepening our journey with Him. Then we will have this assurance and security that nothing else in the world can match the fullness of our life in Christ.