The good news has been told to us just as it was told to the people in the desert. But the message which they heard did not do them any good. Even though they heard it, they did not believe it.

Hebrews 4:2 (WEB)

It is apparent that not everyone experiences the same outcome after hearing the same gospel.

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews tells us a person can hear the message of God's love, goodness, and forbearance without being touched by it. He used the example of what happened to the children of Israel when they left Egypt for the Promised Land, of how they saw God's glory but still rebelled against Him. They did so because they did not have the ability to receive from God.

You have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

Everything is yours by grace, but you must learn to receive the fullness of all that is yours in Christ into your experience by faith. Receiving from God is an active process. It entails purposefully taking or laying hold of all of God's promises and provisions fulfilled in Christ. How? Just continue to receive anything and everything from God, in the same manner, you receive salvation by grace through faith.

Sometimes we get it wrong. We believe salvation is a free gift, but everything else in the Christian life must be earned. This is why we lack the confidence to ask God for anything because we believe it will include a lot of hard work, effort, and sacrifice on our part. And no matter how hard we strive or how badly we desire it, we will never be good enough to deserve or receive God's grace.

Grace is always and only for the undeserving.

God will never withhold anything from you, but God is waiting for you to receive what is freely yours in Christ. The truth is that grace produces faith, and the more grace you receive, the more faith you have in God's ability to bring healing, breakthroughs, and deliverance.