The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Luke 10:2 (ESV)


Our identity and security are built on a strong foundation in Christ. As we mature, we will learn more about the joy and significance of being loved by Him and abiding in His love. Knowing who He is and what He has done affects who we are and what we do.

Wonderful things happens when our life in Christ is revealed through the gospel. We will have an ever-increasing desire to be more than merely hearers but active doers as well.

When we obey Jesus by simple childlike faith and do what He asks of us, we get to partner with Him to impact people with the love and power of His gospel. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, not just reading the Bible or attending Sunday worship services. In other words, following Jesus is an invitation into a lifestyle of Kingdom living and advancement.

Jesus envisions us working alongside Him since the harvest is plenty and the labourers are few. Let His heart's cry be ours. Let us go and harvest for Him, while praying for others to join us. Many times, it may include releasing and sending forth our best and most faithful to bring the harvest into the kingdom, even if it does not directly benefit our local church.

We can tell the difference between "Churchianity" and "Christianity" once we adopt a Kingdom perspective on the gospel. Out of that discovery comes a Christian life that is radical and authentic, free from religiosity and more like Jesus in all ways.