The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God’s power.

1 Corinthians 4:20 (TLB)

Everything about Jesus is extraordinary.

We are called to follow Him, and bear witness to His Kingdom.

The Apostle Paul tells us when God’s presence is truly in us, we will experience God’s power through us. Paul, like Jesus, revealed the presence of God's kingdom and manifested it through works of power in a variety of ways. In the same sense, we have no less power than Jesus Himself because He lives in us. This means that rather than striving to behave in a certain way, the Christian life is about thriving in His resurrection life that is working in us and through us and for us.

You are experiencing His fullness in greater measure, not because you are entrenched in having a perfect doctrine, but because you are increasingly enthralled in a personal relationship with Him.

Many believers genuinely lack a real encounter with God, and many more do not expect one, but contenting themselves with merely a pleasant Sunday worship experience. They are unaware that they have the divine life within them, waiting to be ignited into words and works of love.

Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.

Ask the Holy Spirit to stir up your spiritual gifts and material resources so that you might serve others and show them the kingdom is right in their midst. He will pour such incredible love into your heart that you will be compelled to embark on an untamed journey into a life of supernatural engagement and divine appointments.