We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us, and we would not be slaves to sin.

Romans 6:6 (NCV)

God did not fix our sin problem by merely asking us to obey Him and not commit sin. Rather, He initiates and incorporates us into Christ's death and resurrection so that we no longer be slaves to sin and spiritual death.

We all died in Christ, and we all live in Him.

Salvation rests on the truth that Christ was crucified and resurrected to save us. We are not only forgiven of our sin, but we are set free from sinfulness and set right with God. Faith is recognising that we have been made insiders of the Kingdom by God’s unfailing grace and love. It is when we no longer resist but embrace this free gift of God’s righteousness that we truly enjoy our abundant life in Christ.

Nothing happened to Jesus without us being included.

Jesus became sin so that we could be holy. He was broken so that we could be whole. He was bruised so that we could heal. He was rejected so that we could be reconciled with God. He was raised to life so that we could have a new life. In other words, our salvation is not the result of our self-efforts or self-improvement. Rather, it is by sharing in what Christ has already done through the faith He has given us that we enjoy all the blessings and benefits of salvation.

Dying with Christ, you are no longer bound to sin.

This is because you will no longer have a sinful nature but a new nature in Him that continues to transform you from the inside out. His Spirit who dwells within will give you power to overcome sinful habits and live right for Him. Your identity is in Christ, and everything you do flows from this vital truth. Learn to abide and rest in His goodness and steadfast love.