Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace, each individual working together to make the whole successful.

Ephesians 4:3, Amplified Bible

When we help each other with our spiritual walk, we will grow like-minded with one another in the process. The early disciples were in "one accord". They were stronger and bolder together because they manifested their unity in Christ. 

Unity is not agreeing with each other on everything. Unity is revealing the reality of the fullness of our life together in Christ. In this sense we don't create unity, but we keep unity because we belong together through one Saviour and live together as one family of God in the Spirit.

Knowing that we have this unity in Christ gives us the grace to grow a church community united in the harmony of mutual love and acceptance. It is by welcoming and getting along with each other well that we gain confidence and boldness to offer the same to others who have yet to experience God for themselves.

It is good to understand the church is not filled with perfect people with perfect lives. Just like you, everyone goes through hard times at some point. If you have a conflict or dispute with someone, don't let pride or negative emotions hinder forgiveness and reconciliation. Sometimes it takes time to heal and recover, but don't let the pain stop you from reaching out and seeing opportunities to pour into the lives of people around you. 

As you can see, the early church went through many trials and tribulations, and yet the believers stayed together and became more united. We can learn from their example. If we ever get such an attack from the Enemy that truly threatens the unity and harmony of our church, I hope our first thought is not to leave and forsake the rest. Rather, let us pull ourselves closer together so that the bond of peace will hold us through the storm until we gain the ground to overcome the evil one.

Our church community can be as strong or as weak as we want it to be. We are all parts of the whole body of Christ. Therefore, let us work together to keep the unity through the grace of Jesus so that we can shine with His glory.