Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”

Luke 1:34

God chose Mary, not because she was the best or the most attractive or most educated, but because God believes in Mary as someone who was willing to serve Him in spite of her fear and feelings of inadequacy. Being a virgin makes it impossible for Mary to give birth to Jesus, but when Mary was willing to submit and humble herself, God made the impossible possible.

Mary has to literally and practically make room for God.

When she gave all of her being to God, she was set free to completely depend on God.

Here's the lesson. When we give God only a portion of ourselves, we will measure our spiritual life by how much we are sacrificing for God. This is performance-based religion in a nutshell. You will develop a fear of losing everything you owe because your focus is about "How much more does God want from me?"

When you learn to rest in God's perfect love, you will discover God is not trying to take anything away from you, but He is trying to give something to you. Thus, making room for God is no longer a tension, but an invitation for God to fulfil and complete His work of grace in us. Instead of you making sacrifices—once you tasted the joy of being surrounded by God's love— a life of surrender is your most authentic response of worship.

Learn from Mary.

What God has done for Mary foreshadows what He will do for all of us. No excuse or self doubt can stop God from bringing His purpose to pass in your life.

If we allow God's grace to work in us, our weaknesses or limitations won't get in the way of what God wants to accomplish and work out in and through us. The less we trust in our own self-efforts, the more we can believe God for His promises and provisions. And instead of worrying about how God is going to do it, just believe God will do it.