As you go, disciple people in all nations.

Matthew 28:19 (ISV)

Never underestimate where God has placed you!

Think of your workplace as an everyday mission field where you can reach out to your colleagues for Christ. Most of your colleagues who wouldn't fit in at church will fit right in with you. You may be surprised how many of them are open to Jesus and open to you. The way you talk, interact, and behave will either encourage them to follow Jesus or drive them away. So be careful what you say, how you act, and what you do.

Be bold and be vocal to share your faith, but don’t be a jerk. While we genuinely want to tell others about Jesus, we must be careful not to see our colleagues as targets or projects. Rather, we should love them the way Jesus loves us. The relationship and friendship you have with them can often be a credible platform for sharing the gospel.

Take time to build trust and goodwill.

Sometimes there are barriers such as prejudice, hostility, and scepticism to overcome. Be patient and keep loving, no matter what. Listen to God’s leading and follow it. Be wise in knowing when to share the gospel, who to share the gospel with and how to share it. Make the most of coffee breaks and lunch hours. A simple conversation can create an impact. Pray and trust God to create the moment when the conversation moves from the mundane to the spiritual.

Keep sowing the seeds of the gospel.

Some seeds will flourish and bear fruits while others will fail. While not every connection will lead someone to Christ, don't feel rejected or discouraged. What counts is your faithfulness to obey.