Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)

Loving someone does not imply ignoring their flaws. Love is the ability to see past someone's flaws and focus on the intrinsic worth God gave them through Christ. This attitude allows us to be accepting without being judgemental, truthful without being hurtful, and caring without imposing.

The Apostle Peter tells us we are to reflect God's love in our relationships. "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins," he said, quoting Proverbs 10:2. "Cover" in Hebrew is kacah, which also means "concealing". In the context of this verse, concealing is used positively, as in forgiving and forgetting, rather than negatively, as if there is an evil intention to hide something.

Jesus is the perfect example of a love powerful enough to atone for a multitude of sins. He modelled how we should interact with those around us. He did not treat others as they deserved to be treated. Instead, despite the fact that they were completely undeserving, He willingly gave His life for them.

"Father, forgive them," Jesus prayed as He died on the cross for our sins. Jesus atoned not only for our sins but also for the sins of the entire world. In doing so, He revealed the nature of our Father's perfect love for us. And we can demonstrate the same love by accepting God's grace to forgive and release the hurt caused by others.

It is difficult to forgive sometimes, especially when you believe you have been wronged or have been singled out unfairly. Instead of attempting to forgive and forget on your own, admit that you desperately need God's healing grace to help you make the necessary changes in your attitude in order for them to manifest in your actions.

As God's children, let us imitate our Father by forgiving and forgetting, overlooking offences and not keeping a record of wrongs, and hoping that others will do the same for us. When someone's sin causes them, others, or us pain, we are to love them unconditionally and extend grace and kindness to them.