If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Galatians 5:25 (NKJV)


The Holy Spirit who dwells within helps us to walk right and do right by God. When we follow His promptings and convictions in our daily lives, we will discover personal victory and winning the battle against the flesh, the world and the devil.

Our gap in holiness is not because we don't want to be holy. It is because we just want enough of God to make us feel good, but not enough of Him to change and transform us. When it feels like we can't be holy, it is not because we sinned too much, but rather we have too little love or too little faith to obey God.

Bear in mind, holiness is not an ideal or a goal. It is a way of living like Christ. He is the reason we are holy — because without Him, we can’t break free from the selfishness and sinful habits that hold us back from being all that God wants us to be.

Our desire to be holy grows directly in proportion to our awe and reverence for God. We want to be holy, not because we want God to love us more, but because we are already loved perfectly by Him, now and forever.

Pray for God’s love to permeate your heart and mind, providing you the grace to walk according to your new identity in Christ. You are no longer ruled by your fleshy desires, but by the Holy Spirit who is also the Spirt of holiness. If we let Him and submit to His leading, He will enable us to walk increasingly in holiness and wholeness.