Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

The year has gone by much faster than I expected.

So much has been done, and so much remains to be done. But, in retrospect, what can we say we've learned about God and ourselves, and how could these lessons prepare or empower us for the following year?

Some of these lessons were easy while others were challenging. A few may be repeated lessons in order to truly transform our minds and strengthen our hearts. They all, however, are centred on God drawing us out of the darkness of our ignorance, fears, and false assumptions and bringing us into the light of His marvellous character and wondrous works.

Don't despise what God is doing or dismiss what He is saying to you. There is a reason for those lessons, and that reason is to remind us again and again of our special place in God's heart. Learn to pray and ask to follow after God with increasing joy, humility, and gratitude. You will feel alignment, freedom, and purpose at those moments, and knowing God's design for your life will help you experience and enjoy the victory you have in Christ.

No matter your circumstances and story, you can thank God because He has already determined your breakthroughs before your battles and ensured your miraculous deliverance and provisions before you need them.

Having a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude raises your faith and strengthens your ability to trust God to the point where you realise that everything is possible for everyone who believes. There is no presumption or blind faith when we put our confidence in Christ and not in our abilities. Just keep acknowledging God’s sovereignty, grace and righteousness and learn to trust Him more each day and He will show you the way to follow Him.

On behalf of my family and everyone here at Firstlight, I wish you a good and blessed new year full of faithful confidence and hope in God's promises, presence and power. We joined our hearts and voices with the Psalmist in proclaiming, "This is the LORD's doing; it is wonderful in our sight." (Psalm 118:23)