Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me."

Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV)


If God can save you even when you aren't good enough, what makes you think He couldn't use you because you don't feel you're good enough? The truth is that you don't have to be good enough—all you have to do is show up and say, "Here I am. Send me.”

The Bible makes it clear that God does not measure success by the outcome, but rather by our obedience.

Even though Isaiah was aware of his "unclean lips," God picked him to be His prophetic mouthpiece to his people. Isaiah trusted God and was transformed by God. Similarly, God chose us because He wants to produce His character in us in order for us to bear much fruit for His namesake throughout our life.

The crucial thing to remember is that when God is involved, we must change our perception of whether or not He can use us to accomplish His purpose. I know many people who spent the majority of their lives running from God, but they eventually learnt obedience and fully surrendered to Him.

Many believers get saved and then stop, not realising that there is a whole journey God wants us to pursue, where He can nurture and transform us into who we are in Christ. Christ’s imputed righteousness produces practical righteousness. We pursue a pure and righteous life because we understand how much God loves us and we love Him in return, believing everything we do will be for our good and for His glory.

Obedience is the expression of being loved and loving God.

It is key to our overall spiritual health and resiliency. Instead of setting for mediocrity, strive for excellence. Ask God to inspire you to do something meaningful with your life and patiently commit to the call and path He has laid out for you. You may not be famous or wealthy or influential, but if you are doing what God wants you to do, God will take care of you even if you have no idea where you are heading or where you will land. It is not the destination, but a personal journey that unfolds the beauty of a life with God.