Are you attempting to catch God's attention and hope He hears your prayers rather than developing an intimate relationship with Him?

The truth is that God longs for us to draw close to Him and experience His goodness and grace. Because of what Christ has done for everyone, there are no longer any barriers, hindrances or obstacles that can keep anyone from approaching God.

We often turn to God when we are in need or when something goes wrong in our life. If we continually pray to God out of desperation rather than out of revelation, it is easy to slip into a cycle of doubt and unbelief when you feel, maybe, that your prayers weren't long enough or deep enough, or that they didn't seem "correct" enough.

Genuine intimacy with God can raise your faith and turn the tide of your fear.

Instead of just adding it to your to-do list, make your relationship with God the best thing you do every day! Knowing God is not merely a priority, but in the experience of the Apostle Paul, it is the only priority of life (cf. Philippians 3:10).

Jesus is the best person to show us the importance of having a close relationship with God.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30


Jesus never compromised on growing a habit of being with God and resting in His presence.

The gospels describe how He either prayed through the night (Luke 6:12) or early in the morning (Mark 1:35). As Jesus drew closer to the Father, the Father was able to accomplish more in and through Him. In this same way, you will discover that intimacy leads to fruitfulness.

Keep in mind that God will never make it hard for you to find Him. This is because His Spirit is already living within you (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:15). Instead of pursuing a busy life, imitate Jesus and discover the "unforced rhythms of grace." When you learn to rest in His presence, He will make it easy for you to obey what He says and do what He wants and go where He sends.