[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God.

Colossians 1:15 English Standard Version

Jesus is the perfect image of God because He embodied all the unseen attributes and qualities of God. Though it is impossible for us to comprehend God in the exact depth of His greatness, in Christ we can know God’s eager heart towards us and experience for ourselves.

The coming of Jesus into our world tells us that God is highly relational and desires a very strong and close relationship with us. Even though God is transcendent as the sole and supreme creator of all things and realities, God is with us and among us. As such, it is almost impossible not to recognise or feel God’s presence in creation and others and even in ourselves because Christ is in us.

We can choose to ignore God and live with the consequence of that choice. Or we can learn to be like Jesus who never acts in any way that contradicts God’s will and character.

But we can let our busy and spiritually uninterested life get in our way of having an intimate friendship with God. False needs and false priorities can dull our spiritual senses because they make us feel the urgency of life and forget God will provide and care for us. We will not only lose our spiritual cutting edge, but our godly passion is slowly replaced by a different passion that does not come from God.

Let Christ be the sustainer and substance of your Christian life. After all, He is the author and developer of your faith. And don’t let the problems and distractions of life pressure you and draw your focus away.

We can never outgrow the gospel.

Keep asking God to give you His wisdom and revelation to open your eyes to all that you are and have in Christ so that you can live in the reality of God’s supernatural grace.