[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Colossians 1:15


It is through His Incarnation that Jesus quelled all misconceptions of God.

Jesus declares whoever sees Him sees the Father (John 14:8-11). By making God’s invisible qualities visible, He wants you to see God as He really is and how He really feels about you. First, Jesus reveals God is love. Secondly, God loves us without limit and without end. Thirdly, God’s faithful love towards us is clearly seen in His Son—who came not to condemn us for our sins but to heal us from them. As you meditate on these truths, you will always find comfort and strength in God’s love, no matter what is happening or not happening in your life.

It is often misleading to measure God’s love by outward circumstance or sudden difficulties that arise. If you do, it will lead to confusion and frustration. Never define His love by your circumstances, but rather define your circumstances by His love.

As the image of the invisible God, Jesus made one thing visibly clear that God didn't wait for us to be good and deserving before He loves us. God is the perfect love who freely chooses to love us and freely offers us His love even before we ask.

God's love is precisely revealed in the Cross. And it is through the Cross we know for certain that God no longer hides from us. He now resides around and within us. Though the days seem dark, and the road appears long and rough, nothing can separate you from God's love and His unbreakable promise that He will not leave or forsake us.

While the future remains uncertain, we cannot let fear determine our path. Rather let God's love be your foundation and see how your life becomes such a beautiful expression of being loved into life and freedom and healing.

Let nothing shake your confidence in God's love for you.