The master...said to his servant, ‘Go at once throughout the city and invite anyone you find—the poor, the blind, the disabled, the hurting, and the lonely. Invite them to my banquet.’ “When the servant returned to his master, he said, ‘Sir, I have done what you asked, but there’s still room for more.’ “So the master told him, ‘All right. Go out again, and this time bring them all back with you. Persuade the beggars on the streets, the outcasts, even the homeless. Insist that they come in and enjoy the feast so that my house will be full.’

Luke 14:21-23 (TPT)

God has made it simple for everyone to approach Him because God loves all people.

The Cross settled once and for the sin debt that stood between us and God. 

It is from the Cross we see God's deepest love for us. It is at the Cross we understand how God's love and God's justice were fully satisfied. It is in the Cross we find forgiveness of our sins and a fresh new relationship with God. It is through the Cross we are made righteous in God's eyes and brought back into fellowship with Him. It is by the cross we obtain victory over sin and every power of darkness. It is because of the Cross we are adopted as sons and daughters into God's eternal family. It is on the Cross we behold that we are immensely and incredibly blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

The Cross ultimately demonstrates that there is nothing that prevents someone from approaching God and experiencing His acceptance.

Jesus our Saviour has thrown open the door of salvation and invited everyone inside. Our God is the host, and we are called to play the role of hosts by inviting and welcoming everyone and by letting them know that the Father loves them with all of His grace and mercy. The abundance of the harvest indicates that there are many people who are prepared to attend the gospel feast but who are awaiting an invitation.

Who is God calling you to invite to the gospel feast?

Partner with the Holy Spirit and have the courage and confidence to share your faith.  Seek out opportunities to show and share the love of Jesus with gentleness and respect. Trust God to guide you to those who are spiritually hungry and to the ones whom you are sowing seeds for the gospel.

Keep in mind that sharing your faith involves much more than just speaking about it. It is easier for people to believe the message if they trust the messenger. We move at the speed of trust Your actions and attitude are just as significant as your words.