“I am Gabriel,” the angel answered. “I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and tell you this good news. Because you do not believe what I have said, you shall live in silence, and you shall be unable to speak a word until the day that it happens. But be sure that everything that I have told you will come true at the proper time.”

Luke 1:19-20 (Phillips)

God never lies or changes His mind about His promises.

He will do exactly what He says.

God, through the Angel Gabriel, told Zechariah that His words will be fulfilled in their season. The Greek word for “fulfilled” is pleróõ which means “to fill up, to amply supply”. God's promises will not be met halfway. He will completely fulfil every promise He made to you in Christ. Furthermore, God says His promises are worth waiting for, and He will make them come true—not in your time, but in His!

Learn to make the most of your waiting time by believing God and trusting His word of promise.

Waiting is not a waste of time. Something is happening when you think nothing is happening.

We sometimes become disappointed or tired of waiting for God to act. This merely demonstrates our impatience and insecurity. Waiting is God's way of teaching us to trust Him, even if it pushes our minds beyond our ability to fully comprehend.

God fulfils His words according to their season.

The Greek word for “season” is kairos which means “ripened time”. When you pick a fruit before it is ripe or ready, it is inedible and tastes bad. Similarly, if God fulfils His promise before its due date, you will not completely benefit from it.

Waiting grows us in a variety of ways. Waiting reveals where and in whom we put our trust. Faith isn't something that can be seen on the surface. It comes from who we are deep down, not how we feel. Waiting distils our faith, if we can be content while waiting for God or if we reject God's way.

When we place our trust in a God who keeps His promises, we may wait with confidence, knowing that we will not be disappointed. We honour God with our patience and commitment to live life according to His sovereignty and perfect timing—as we wait and watch in anticipation for what God wishes to unveil in our lives.