Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.

Genesis 2:19 (ESV)

As followers of Jesus Christ in the marketplace, we see our work as an expression of our worship to God. We do not worship our work; we honour God with our work. The truth is, if you are in the corporate world, work is where you spend most of your time, and that means it's where you worship God the most.

In Genesis, God called Adam to work, and that work was a blessing. Adam worked alongside God and named the animals that God brought to him. Similarly, your work is God’s call upon your life to carry out His purpose. Thus, it is good to do everything for His glory and His pleasure. Once we understand how our jobs fit into God's kingdom, then our work becomes a joy, not a burden.

Recognising that your work is both a calling and a way to worship God empowers you to become a productive and effective worker. God has given you gifts and abilities to fulfill your call in serving Him in the marketplace. You have a responsibility to be a good steward of those gifts. They are not just for your benefit but for the good of others. If you seek to honour God, He will make you fruitful and multiply all the works of your hand.

When you read through the four Gospels, you will realize that Jesus called twelve marketplace leaders and not twelve church leaders. He didn’t want them to stay within the four walls of the church. He wanted them to be everywhere, spreading the good news and doing good deeds through the power of His Spirit.

God’s calling is not confined to where you serve but extends to where you work. So don't limit God. Instead, go forth and show God's presence and power to those around you and you will be amazed at how He works.