Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

Matthew 9:35 New International Version

I am aware that healing is an extremely sensitive topic.

When it comes to healing, there is still plenty of mystery and discovery as we learn to pursue the life Christ has called us to live. What is most helpful is not to base our idea of healing on our own experience or the experience of others but on who we are and what we have in Christ.

Knowing that we are extraordinarily created in Christ is vital to our well-being and wholeness. It will increase our capacity to receive healing for both emotional wounds and physical pain. Don’t be afraid or too embarrassed to ask for healing and mercy. Bartimaeus wasn’t. Neither was the Syrophoenician woman.

Sometimes we may feel our faith is too small or too weak, the best thing is to rest in God’s perfect love, and a personal encounter of the revelation of His love will revolutionise your faith (Galatians 5:6). Don’t settle for low expectations or have no expectation at all. Keep asking the Holy Spirit to stir and strengthen your faith as you follow His leading. This is crucial because healing is not usually instant or immediate, most of the time it is a process.

Now, it does appear (on the surface) in the four gospels that Jesus healed people in one powerful moment but for many of us our healing seems to take forever. I think what is helpful is that Jesus tells us healing is a form of warfare against the kingdom of darkness and deceit (Luke 13:16; Hebrews 2:14-16). Satan will mercilessly attack us through sickness and disease, and we must learn to mightily fend off the attacks. That is why healing is a process because we are to be able to hold our ground against our adversary.

The more we renew our minds to the truth of our blessings and benefits in Christ, the less Satan can do anything to us. After all, we are not fighting for victory, but we are fighting from victory. Once we gain victory in one area of our lives, we hold our ground and not give in to Satan’s taunts and assaults.

While I have had several episodes of instant healing, there are many occasions when God gave me revelation and insight on how to overcome the Enemy and not lose the victory already won by Christ for me. Once I know who I am and what I have in Christ, I no longer pray as a sick person fighting to be well, but a healed person fighting sickness and Satan. Nothing builds our faith better than when we discern from Christ’s finished work to walk in health and wholeness as we continue to follow Him.