And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.

Acts 4:33 New King James Version

It is good to know the difference between the presence and power of God.

God is always and fully present in your midst. His power is the manifestation of His presence. The more aware you are of His presence, the more He will manifest His power in and around you. As such, instead of praying for more power, pray for more wisdom and revelation in understanding God's presence in your life and amongst His people.

The apostles could powerfully preach the gospel and display God's tangible power in homes, prisons and various places because they were fully persuaded of God's presence. So often, many Christians miss the mark when they pray for a visitation of His presence without realising He has already made their hearts the habitation of His presence. If they truly take hold of this amazing revelation, it would change everything—from the way they live and pray to the way they minister and serve others.

You are a dwelling place of God in Christ.

God is much closer than you can imagine or think, and this makes engaging with God easy and light. Your prayers are no longer attempts in trying to get to God. They connect you to God's heart and what He desires for you and those who matter to Him. Then, stepping out in faith is not a scary "once-in-a-lifetime" encounter but a daily experience of receiving and releasing God's power from and through His presence in you.

To illustrate this from the Bible, the Apostle Peter healed the crippled man with these words: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6). Like Peter in this story, you too carry God's presence in you, from whom God's power flows out and through you, and touches others.

How aware am I of God's presence and power and what can I do to enhance this awareness in my daily life?

Learn that God has already filled you with His fullness. Therefore you are anointed in the same way Jesus was anointed to proclaim the good news. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed the demonic oppressed (Matthew 10:7-8). Give just as you have received and you will fulfil your true identity and destiny as a son or daughter of God.