“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Matthew 1:23 (NKJV)

Are you in a situation where you believe God has forgotten or overlooked you?

During a difficult period when the people of Israel were subject to the oppressive bonds of their enemies, God instructed the Prophet Isaiah to warn the people about a miraculous sign of His deliverance, a virgin-born Saviour named Immanuel.

Years later, Matthew reminded his readers that the Old Testament prophecy had become a reality in the New Testament. Jesus is the promised Deliverer who came to save all peoples, not just the children of Israel. To put it another way, the story of Jesus' first coming assures us that God will never leave or abandon us.

How does God show that He is always present with us?

The birth of the Christ Child demonstrates that God loves us more than we can comprehend. This is due to the fact that Jesus became one of us in order to love and live with us and teach us how to love and live with God. Then, because He gave His life for us, Jesus now lives in and through us. His ever-present presence and power enable us to live each day to will and act in accordance with His good will (Philippians 2:13).

Knowing Jesus as your "Immanuel" is reassuring.

Make this God-given revelation a personal truth in which you can stand, especially if you are in a season of uncertainty, fear, and powerlessness. Remember that no amount of worrying or sleepless nights can prevent bad things from happening. They simply keep you from enjoying the good God who sleeps with those He loves.

Don't make the mistake of allowing circumstances to influence how you believe God sees you. If left unchecked, such feelings will cause you to lose sight of Jesus and your faith and hope. Look to Jesus, for He will undoubtedly direct and order your steps.