And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him; bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

Colossians 1:9-10 English Standard Version

Too many believers are overly worried about missing out on God’s will. They get anxious and then they start trying to figure it out on their own and not relying on God to help them to walk in faith and obedience.

I have met Christians who make knowing God’s will akin to waiting for the traffic lights to change. They would act as if they would not dare do anything until the red light turns green. This unrealistic need for certainty and God’s kind of randomness shows a profound discomfort with mystery and imponderables.

Knowing God’s will goes beyond asking God whether you should take the new job or how many children you should have. God cares about the big things and little things in our lives, but God is not a micromanager or a control freak.

On one level, God’s will is not a mystery or an enigma. After all, God’s will is for everyone to know His Son and follow Him. Once in Christ, no one is outside of God’s will, and no one can miss out on God’s will. This is because His Spirit who dwells in us is constantly leading and guiding us through our lives. This brings us to the next level of knowing God’s will for our daily lives.

We don’t stumble into God’s will. As we learn more of God’s Word, we learn more of God’s will. They are inseparable. As sons and daughters of God, it is hard not to hear our Father if we are really keen to listen to Him through His promptings and revelations. We become bolder and more confident as we become more willing to take steps of faith.

The Apostle Paul tells us to pray for God to give us His Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we live a fruitful life of obedience. Obedience flows from being filled with the knowledge of God’s will and learning to live it out. The word “filled” means to be controlled or directed by what God reveals to us through His Scriptures and His Spirit. In other words, God’s will is for us to know the deep truths of Jesus so that our identity and destiny are tied up with His.