For with God nothing will be impossible.

Luke 1:37

Mary was greatly troubled and confused by the Angel Gabriel’s words and wondered what they meant. Circumstantially she questioned how it was possible for her to conceive since she is a virgin. Gabriel however assures Mary that nothing is impossible for God. 

Reading the sentence in the original Greek language, it actually says, “for with God nothing is ever impossible and no rhema word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment.” A rhema word is a “sent word” from God. It is a needful word for a needy situation.  And every word God sent will succeed and bring forth its desired result. 

Like Mary, you may not understand how God is going to work in your circumstance, but you can be sure God can do all things in spite of your circumstance. God will make those things happen the way He wants them to happen because not one of His Word has failed. After all, God would not say something to us if He has no intention to carry out what He had said.

Never carry the burden of a need but let the Word of God carry you through each day.

The Bible is full of God’s promises. They are His “sent words” to you for your benefit and breakthroughs. Study the Word and find a promise which meets your need and rest in the truth that Jesus has already met every condition for God to fulfil His Word (2 Corinthians 1:20). It is not your faith but His faithfulness that will bring His Word to pass. However, unbelief can keep you stuck in doubt and stop you from moving forward with God.

We can learn from Mary to surrender everything to God.

Surrender is the best posture to take—after all God does not need your means or resources to bring His Word into fulfilment. In this sense, the more we are challenged by God's Word, the more dependent we become on God. This is when we get to see the impossible happening again and again.