So, naturally, we proclaim Christ! We warn everyone we meet, and we teach everyone we can, all that we know about him, so that, if possible, we may bring every man up to his full maturity in Christ. This is what I am working at all the time, with all the strength that God gives me.

Colossians 1:28-29 (Phillips)

God is immeasurably greater and more gracious than anything we could possibly fathom or believe.

We were all created in the image and likeness of God and given the ability to know Him and be in relationship and fellowship with Him. Sin however disrupted our life with God by separating us from Him. Though we distanced ourselves from God and rebelled against Him, and became enemies in our minds, thinking sinful thoughts about God and committing evil in the process, God never deserted or abandoned us.

The gospel shows us that God pursues us relentlessly because He is our most loving and faithful Father. While sin may have kept us from loving God, sin cannot keep God from loving us. God knows we were lost in sin and unable to save ourselves. God reached out to us in kindness and mercy, not judging us based on what we had done wrong against Him, but on what Christ had done for us in order to save us.

We are restored to a right standing and status with God because of Christ's perfect finished work on the cross (Romans 3:21–26; 4:5). Our new position and identity in Christ not only free us from sin but also free us to love God and others without fear or constraint. We want to be like our Father God as His sons and daughters. We want to be loving just as God is loving. We want to be generous just as God is generous. We want to be holy just as God is holy.

The gospel is both transformative and missional in nature.

We don't need to wait for inspiration or motivation to do what we are called to do when we hear the gospel correctly. After all, the gospel is God's empowerment that enables us to please Him. If we just serve when we feel like it or when it is convenient, we are approaching our relationship with God as a hobby rather than a habit. It means the gospel has not profited or benefited us. Then we are missing out on the opportunity to be one with God, to do things with God, and to enjoy Him.

Serving God is not about gaining His approval or earning His love. Rather we are reflecting back to God His worth, affirming the reality of who He is and what He has done and remaining true to who God has created us to be in Christ.