And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.

Mark 1:40-42(ESV)

The story of Jesus healing the leper is comforting. Mark captures the truth for us by showing how tender Jesus is to those who are sick and weary—that we have a Saviour who can identify with our pain and struggles and who can help us even when we can't help ourselves.

Faith is a relationship with God, but we often reduce faith into a formula. Healing is never dependent on your level of faith. It is about whom you put your faith in and whom you counted on. When the leper prayed for mercy, he placed his faith in Jesus, and Jesus granted him faith when he said, "I will, be clean."

God is full of love and compassion, especially for those in need.

Everything you need God to do, God has already done through Christ. This is the truth. And the cross is proof of that. In other words, when God says, "It is done," believe Him no matter how difficult your circumstances are right now.

Knowing that God is faithful allows you to stop striving and begin resting in Jesus, who promised He would never leave you or forsake you. That is to say, even if your prayers are not answered in the way or at the time you prefer, rest assured that God hears you and will respond in His good time and way. Meanwhile, continue to pray without ceasing as you wait on God, knowing that He will do you right because He is your Righteous Father.

The more you understand how much God loves you, the less you fear life and the future. Learning to trust God in the present will give you the confidence to trust God in the future.