We are called to impact our world in the name of Jesus.

What is necessary is obedience. What is needed is faith. So we must have a strong and healthy relationship that is grounded in confidence and love for our Lord who loved us first. Without this friendship and intimacy, we will never fully understand His heart for the lost and broken. This was the impetus behind the Apostle’s Paul’s heart cry: “For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16 RSV)

Jesus commanded us to follow Him and go and make disciples with Him.

If we focus on doing these two things well, we will see more engagement and greater opportunity to share the good news of God’s salvation and God’s kingdom.

Pray and partner with the Holy Spirit to lead you to those who are spiritually weary and in need. They are often people you know and interact with in your daily life. They can be a neighbour, family member, friend or colleague. Build intentional relationships with them. This takes time and effort. Be authentic and also be vulnerable. Don’t be afraid to be who you are at this point of your faith journey. Share the story of your walk with God and allow Him to use your testimony of transformation to spread His love to others.

If we learn to live in the imitation of Christ—we become the gospel to the people around us. Live your life in such a way that when people meet you they will know Christ dwells within you without you even saying His name.