But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

John 14:26 (NKJV)


Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised His disciples that He would not forsake them like orphans. He assured them that the Father would send the Holy Spirit in His place. The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus refers to as the Helper, will allow them and all believers to grow in Christ.

The Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus. He enables us to grow a deeper passion for Jesus in our daily lives by revealing His beauty, glory, and perfection. In other words, passion is Spirit-fuelled rather than feeling-based. It is the Spirit’s work in and through us that makes our worship and service effortless and effective.

It is good to understand that we need the Holy Spirit as our Helper and that we were never intended to live the Christian life alone.

We hurt our relationship with God when we replace the Holy Spirit's leading with our feelings. If we are not careful, we can cut ourselves off from our reason of being and purpose. Then we feel estranged from God and disconnected with God’s people. This is why many believers experience "burnout" in their faith and go "off course" after a while. This is because they choose to live and serve from a position of activity rather than a place of identity.

If this describes you, it is important that you remember and return to your identity as a child of God, and that Christ is the assurance of your salvation and inheritance in God.

You do not have to act like an orphan when you are a child of the Most High God. You are His, and He holds a special place in His heart for you. Do not deprive yourself of what God has already provided for you in Christ. Continue to ask the Holy Spirit to disclose and teach you every truth about Christ’s life in you and you in Him.