For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

God gives us the grace and ability to live and serve Him.

Any Christian doctrine that emphasises what we do for God over what God has done for us is a disguised type of work-based salvation. While we are called to serve God with all that He has given us, we must first recognise that it was God who first created us in Christ for good works. We can do what we are supposed to do since God has already gifted us what we need to carry out His purpose.

God cares more about who you are and how that affects you than about what you do for Him.

When we begin to feel the pressure of serving God and the stress becomes overwhelming, we must remember that God has fully equipped and prepared us for the task (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 3:4-6). It is not because we have more work to do, but because we have forgotten who we are working for and with and how it all works together for our good and God’s glory. In other words, it is not doing more for God but more doing with God.

Remember who you are and what you have in Christ.

Don’t be busy for God as though your salvation depends on it. Instead, learn to take care of your Father's business and He will give you the grace to complete what He asks of you. When God is in it, we can rest in faith as we work. This is because we are putting into practice what God has first worked into us by the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:12-13).

Everything we do is ultimately done for the audience of one, that is God Himself. The wonderful part is that we get to do it alongside God as He works with and in us. Then our partnership with God creates opportunities for us to invite others to join us in God's ministry of reconciliation.

Continue to seek fresh revelations from God through His Word, and His Spirit will open your mind and heart to see and understand God as He truly is. You will know your identity when you know God, and your identity will determine your purpose for life.