And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.

Romans 8:28-29 (NKJV)

God is your Perfect Father.

He does not need you to be perfect in order for Him to love you. He loves you just as much as He loves Jesus. He knew you even before you were born, and He has already chosen you to be like His Son.

The Greek word for "conformity" is symmorphos which means "to be fashioned in the likeness of something". By transforming you to be like Jesus in every way possible, God gives you a new identity and new future to live fully into His purpose. He is demonstrating His approval and acceptance of you because He can and will never reject you for He loves you as much as He loves His Son. You will discover your genuine sense of worth and value as you walk in the reality of this truth. This amazing act of grace frees you from attempting to earn God’s love with your own self-efforts and striving.

This conformity to Christ empowers you to live as a beloved child of God.

When the uncertainty of life is confronted by the certainty of God's love, you have the confidence that God always works all things together for your good. You can rest assured that God is faithful. God will provide for you. God will give you justice. God will make up for anything you have lost or lack. In other words, God is more than able in making everything beautiful in your life according to His perfect time and will.

Learn to walk as a child in the presence of your almighty and loving Father who will never forsake or fail you. Whatever happens, you can trust Him with your fears and your hurts as well as your hopes and dreams. God will not just give you everything you need but He will also take you through anything life throws at you.