But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8 (NASB)

God's love always takes the initiative, never waiting for us to act or respond. We were all helpless sinners and fallen short of God's grace and mercy. But God didn't give up on us. He sent His Son to take away our sin and the penalty we justly deserve.

We cannot reach out to God unless He reaches out to us first.

Salvation is not just a rescue from eternal condemnation, but it is also a liberation into a new way of life together. God no longer count our sin against us but instead He considers us righteous on the basis of what Christ has done for us.

There is no fine print or hidden clause. Jesus’ perfect sacrifice was enough to cover once and for all the sins of everyone. In another word, the gospel brings rest, peace, and freedom for all who are found in Christ. Once we are united in Christ through His finished work, we are enabled by His Spirit to become like Him in every way.

Too often we forget how rich we really are in Christ.

The lack of depth and insight of the gospel robs us from healthy intimacy and connection with God, and consequently with others. We cannot endure temptations or trials for long because our faith is weakened by doubt, fear, and self-limiting beliefs. Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to wallow in guilt, remorse, and self-pity.

God’s grace is a gift that is freely given to us.

We don’t earn it but receive it with humility and thanksgiving. Our love for God is always from God to us. Do not let your emotions determine your doctrine. Instead, your doctrine should be based on the infallible truth of the gospel of Christ and its reality in your daily life.