After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.

Acts 4:31 New Living Translation

Bold prayers are prayers that strike fear in the heart of the Enemy. 

When the believers in Jerusalem were threatened by religious authority and told to quit preaching the gospel, they gathered to pray together and afterwards the whole place shook with the presence of the Holy Spirit and everyone began proclaiming God's word with supernatural confidence and ever-increasing boldness. 

Intimidations by the devil or anyone should not drive us away from obeying God or make us feel helpless and defenceless. Instead of surrendering our God-given authority and power, we need to stand firm and resist the devil with a certain assurance of victory. 

Most times, we don't realise that the devil knows more of what we have in Christ and what we can do through Christ than we ourselves. This is why he works so hard to hinder us from knowing the truth of our identity and walking in it. He lies to us and accuses us for the sake of condemning us—so that we cannot walk in freedom and healing.

As sons and daughters of our Father God, we have been given the privilege of access to Him. If you think God never hears your prayer, you are mistaken and taken by Satan and his deceptive way of twisting and tainting the character of God. 

Bold prayers are not presumptuous. 

Presumptuous prayers treat God like a genie who grants wishes. Rather, bold prayers align us with God's heart and purpose. We pray with expectation, believing God hears and will answer us perfectly, because He knows His plan for us and would surely give us a future and hope. 

If it is challenging for you to pray boldly on your own, gather other believers to pray alongside you. While you may start with mixing fear with faith in your prayers, don't quit but press on and faith will replace your fear. Perfect prayer is not about how good you sound, but how you are willing to trust God for the outcome. The more you are fully persuaded of God's love towards you, the more boldness you will have in your prayers towards God.