I have complete confidence in the gospel; it is God's power to save all who believe, first the Jews and also the Gentiles. 

Romans 1:16 (GNB)

Christianity once held a prominent position in the fields of the arts, sciences, and culture, but secularism, modernism, and scientism have diminished the church's impact and influence in society. Even though Christians are perceived negatively by the general public on a regular basis, we must remember that we are not competing for popularity.

We cannot, however, deny that the church as a whole has contributed to the misgiving and mistrust. People are wary of Christians as a result of the negative media coverage caused by church scandals and controversies. Regardless of whether individuals or organisations are more to blame for the crisis, we are all responsible to live and act faithfully for the gospel’s sake.

The Apostle Paul boldly declares his faith in the power of the gospel. When he said those words he was not living in an ideal time to be a witness for the gospel. Despite being subjected to abuse, persecution, and incarceration on numerous occasions, Paul continued to run the race that Christ had set out for him. His confidence comes from the knowledge that his life belongs to Christ and that he can never lose Christ, whether he lives or dies.

Do you have the same confidence in the Lord on your worst day as you do on your best day?

Bear in mind, the power of the gospel is already working in you, and as you learn to rest in the Holy Spirit to bear witness as to who and what you have in Christ, you will receive His empowerment to walk in authority and exercise your rights as a child of God.

Many believers, however, are taught just enough gospel to get saved, but not nearly enough to walk in the victory Christ has won for them. Our spiritual struggle is not a lack of power, but rather a lack of revelation of God's power at work in us. Keep hearing the gospel and God will keep supplying His grace to work miracles and many wonders in your midst. Then you will make the same boast as Paul: “As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:27, NLT).