Then Jesus said, “Which one of these three men do you think was really a neighbour to the man who was hurt by the robbers?” The teacher of the law answered, “The one who helped him. “Jesus said, “Then you go and do the same.”

Luke 10:36-37 (ERV)

Being a follower of Jesus Christ is a way of life in which we pattern our lives to be like Him. His Spirit works within us to live a moral and ethical life that honours Him. Acting right and doing good become our new habits as we grow in the revelation of our new creation identity in Christ.

Our identity in Christ gives us a sense of purpose and direction. Having been forgiven and reconciled to God, we are now beloved children of God and called to be His witnesses of love and life to a world in despair.

One of the most meaningful ways we can show His love is through serving others. The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us to be compassionate, kind, and merciful to others, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. The lesson Jesus wants us to learn is that we should not ask who our neighbour is, but rather that we should be a neighbour to all, especially to those in need.

To be a real neighbour rests on God working His grace in us so that we can see people as God sees them and love people as God loves them.

Many times, we make being a real neighbour more complicated than we need to. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to the people He wants you to meet and allow Him to use you and your story to touch hearts and inspire change.

Our neighbours could be refugees or recent migrants, lonely or marginalised, or even the individual you make small talk with regularly. Start simply with a smile and ask how their day is going, then truly listen to their response. Pray quietly in your heart and trust God to do His complete work. Always remember—giving time to someone and listening to what is in their heart is far more generous than giving money or things.