Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.

Colossians 3:23 (ESV)

We can think of Jesus as our perfect example of avodah living. While He had a great deal of work to do, yet He was busy in a way that glorified God. He was constantly on the move, never settling in any one place for long. He was teaching one moment, healing the next, and disrupting the religious establishment with one miracle after another.

There was nothing random about how Jesus lived His life. Everything Jesus did in His earthly ministry, He did it for a purpose. It was all about glorifying His Father. We must learn from Him so that our busyness has purpose and brings glory to God.

Work, worship, and service aren’t separate things in your life. While they are different activities with different perspectives, they all share a common purpose. It is about fulfilling God's will for His world. That is why everything we do is an act of worship. Without worship, there is no desire to know and to do our Father’s will. There is no intentional living or living life on purpose.

A life in union with Christ is ultimate rest.

Jesus is our source and sustainer of our avodah living. His ever-present power in us will not only take away our weariness but also give us a resurgent new life to serve our Father and our neighbours. Instead of living a life of competing and conflicting priorities, learn to make God your first priority and everything under Him will fall into place. This enables us to bring glory to God because in whatever we do, it is “for the Lord”.