The Christian life is not about self-improvement, but about the God-led discovery of an authentic life in which you do not earn your place on earth, but rather enjoy it as God's gift to you and your gift to God.

What is an authentic life?

It is to be like Jesus, to be genuine in your faith and to live your life in obedience to God. According to the gospel of Jesus Christ, obedience is never a blind obligation or duty. Rather, your obedience to God stems from first acknowledging God's perfect love for you (1 John 4:18) and being fully convinced that nothing can ever separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). In this sense, a godly life is forged from a perfect and secure relationship with our Father God—now and forever.

Jesus is our perfect example for how we should live in obedience to God. Despite the fact that Jesus was equal to God the Father, He completely obeyed God in all things. Jesus demonstrates that obedience is not God imposing His will on us, but our sincere desire to do everything God does, much like a well-loved child imitating his father.

I speak to you timeless truth. The Son is not able to do anything from Himself or through my own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as his Father.

John 5:19 (TPT)

Our relationship with God is not drudgery but a delight. It is the enjoyment of God and all of His goodness and greatness. The authentic life is founded on enjoying God. When God becomes real to us, we will no longer avoid Him out of fear of being judged and rejected but will approach Him with such boldness and freedom. This is because God's perfect love is an invitation of welcome to feast on His grace.

Grace makes obedience and holy living possible.

Being made a new creation in Christ, God's gift of grace to you is working in you right now far more than you know or think—for you to believe right and do right.