Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19 (NKJV)


The church is the living and active work of the Father, Son, and Spirit.

We have been reconciled to God through Christ as a community of believers, and the Holy Spirit is dwelling within us—to bear witness to the truth. Our reconciliation was in the mind and heart of the triune God even before the creation of the universe, because God's ultimate and eternal purpose is for all individuals who are outsiders to become insiders.

The church is a gift of love from the Father to the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a gift of love from the Son to His church (cf. John 14:23-26) as well as a gift of love from the Triune God to the world (Matthew 28:18-20).

Each person of the Trinity contributes to the transformation of a people who were not before a people of God into a community of new life and love. This is why the gospel is called the gospel of peace because it establishes reconciling peace between God and humanity.

Each of us is called to “dance” in community and communion with each other and with God. We are connected in complete perichoresis, actively moving around a divine dance of love in which we experience the healing rhythm of oneness, openness and wholeness. This harmonious working of love of the Trinity in us and in our midst will increasingly shape our church community into the image and likeness of the perfect community that exists within the Father, Son and Spirit.

The definite mark of a true community is love.

The gracious practice of giving and receiving love is essential for our communal spiritual health, soundness and well-being. As we continually learn to love and serve one another with God's love, we, like Christ, become the living expression of God's love to the lost, broken, and vulnerable.