I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

Ephesians 4:1 (ESV)


Many Christians do not understand who they actually are in Christ. This impedes them from becoming salt and light in their cities and making significant impact in their culture and community.

We are in Christ, and Christ is in us.

Everything Christ has accomplished for us shapes our identity and mission. Until we fully walk in the truth that sets us free, it will be beyond our reach to transform an unreached city for the Kingdom.

Living out the truth of our identity in Christ empowers us to live in a new way as we engage in everyday life. Our salvation is the starting point of the Kingdom life. You are now a living temple of God in Christ. This implies you are a redemptive presence wherever you go and wherever you are.

The Apostle Paul urges us “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” It is about desiring and endeavouring to live a life reflecting the grace and truth of Jesus. His Spirit will help you as you continually submit to His lordship.

Jesus commands us to make disciples “as we go” or wherever we happen to be. In this sense, our “mission field” is never about location, but obedience. To put it another way, your workplace and all that you do positions you to express and manifest the Kingdom into reality.

Any job is more than a job. It is your “pulpit” to reach people in your workplace with the gospel. It is a “position of influence” God has given you to impact someone with His love and life. It is a “platform of creativity and credibility” to transform our city one life at a time.