Yes, God raised Jesus to life! And since God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in you, he will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!

Romans 8:11 (TPT)

Today, as we observe Resurrection Sunday, we are reminded of how the resurrection of Jesus Christ fundamentally transforms the way we view ourselves and interact with others.

By joining us in His death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit granted us access to the same power that enabled Jesus to rise from the dead. It must puzzle God that we so often think so little of who we are and what we have in Christ. As a result, even after receiving everything He has for us in Christ, we continue to crave more power and anointing. We appear to have more faith in acquiring from God through prayers of unbelief than in receiving what God has freely given to us in Christ.

As a Christian, you carry the extraordinary presence and power of Jesus everywhere you go. So many believers want the spectacular and sensational, not realising that they, for the most part, carry the supernatural within them. It is critical to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in our personal life. God can and will surprise you if you are willing to do so today. He can carry you beyond your wildest dreams and to new places you've never imagined.

In the Old Testament, there was a clear distinction between what is sacred and what is secular. In the New Testament, however, there is no such separation because Christ dwells in you and, as a result, you are supernaturally enabled for the ministry to which He has called you. Learn to manifest Christ's presence and power wherever you go as a bearer of Christ in the world, and you will experience this incredible shift and transformation in the spiritual atmosphere.

People need God more than ever in this time of global crisis and turmoil.

Even if you can't be there physically or emotionally, believe that your prayers have the power to fulfil all of the Father's promises for these people. The Holy Spirit will work in the lives of your loved ones, bringing them much-needed rest and peace.

It is the resurrection of Jesus that makes our Christian faith unique and phenomenal. Let us, therefore, join our voices with believers everywhere by declaring, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!”