In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Romans 12:5 New International Version

Though we are many, we are one in Christ. As such, we must learn to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of our church communities across the city and across the world. This frees us from pride, rivalry and unhealthy competition amongst us because we all share the same image and likeness of Christ.

Once we understand and walk according to the truth of our identity in Christ, we are far more likely to be able to resist and rise above doubt, fear and insecurities. After all, we are made new creations with new ways of thinking and new ways of living. Our value and worth are not based on what we do but who we belong to and who Christ has made us in Him.

If we treat other churches or believers as lesser or inferior to us, then our behaviour and actions contradicts the very nature of being united to Christ. When churches are in competition with other churches, they will do more harm than good to their Christian witness and ministry.

Let us encourage each other to become disciples with a kingdom mentality. That is, we not only want to see our church expand, but also want to see other churches and believers succeed and grow as well.

A win for a local church is a win for the global church.

No single church is big enough or has enough resources to win the city for Christ on its own. This makes it vital for us to connect with other Christian communities to actively pray together and work together to reflect and express the unity we have in Christ.